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Hi, My Name is


I am a recent coding bootcamp graduate with a passion for developing scalable web applications and working across the full stack. Built fully functional web applications by integrating third party APIs in Javascript. Worked in agile team and made sure that the biggest impact features are worked on first.


A command-line application to manage a company's employee database
A CMS-style blog site to publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts.
A full stack application that helps in caring for your plants.
Enter the city and you get the current and forecast weather conditions.
Schedule your day using the hourly time blocks with persistent data.
Javascript quiz contains series of multiple choice type questions with timer.
A Prompt based app giving options to the user depending upon the mood.
portfolio design using flexbox

Get in touch

You can contact me by checking out my contact details in my RESUME or from the last section in this portfolio page or you can email me by filling the contact form directly.